No snubbing of contentment here…

“The secret of contentment is the realization that life is a gift, not a right.”

“The world is full of people looking for spectacular happiness while they snub contentment.”
-Doug Larson-

The Minnesota State Fair was enjoyed with gusto. Though I waddled my way through the crowds, drank plenty of fountain Diet Cokes, and even tried a shrimp Asian taco, I think I would have liked to go back for more. I’m not quite sure why I like the State Fair so much. It bubbles up memories and friendships and first dates and all kinds have happy moments for me with a variety of individuals.

Though going there with my best friends JoAnn, Ashlie, Rebekah, Emily, and Ashily all are counted as good times…not to mention the times with my crazy sisters and family, one of my first dates with Tyler was there. I had dyed dark brown hair (convinced to do this by my black-dyed-hair roomies, Ashily and Emily) and we have a very awkward photobooth picture together, that I still have. It still makes me fall in love with Tyler all over again.

No fears, we have taken a photobooth picture together every year since, this year including a beautiful view of my gigantic belly to represent Olivea. She had ample time to make her appearance at the State Fair and be the famous 2013 baby of the Minnesota-Great-Get-Together, but she must take after her dad and was a bit shy. And to be honest, that’s okay with me. I don’t my doctors and nurses and EMTs viewing me, but to have strangers and maybe some type of media…um, I think not.

We did visit the other poor creatures, however, being gawked at the Miracle of Birth Center. The expressions on their faces made it very clear to me a delivery in front of a large, chattering crowd is definitely not enjoyable.

But that brings me to delivery…and babies…and well, Olivea. She is coming soon. She is due a week from Thursday and I still think I am in denial of it all. I did notice that as I have been walking around today, my stomach kind of bounces and sways as I walk. Odd I never noticed that before. We have had our moments of intense contractions already, but nothing that lasts. There was a point at Target yesterday that I thought I better go home quickly because they were so bad, but once I left, they subsided. She, too, must have been taught by daddy when I wasn’t looking how to NOT spend money. Tyler talked Tosten very early on in his life to scream when I picked up things I didn’t need and really couldn’t afford. Apparently, Tyler must whisper these things to the womb while I am sleeping.

But yes, I am going to have a baby girl. She is fast on her way and I am ready. I’m excited for all the new firsts again and all the pleasures of girl stuff. It blows my mind to look back at the twisted journey of my life and see that somehow God brought me to exactly where I longed to be. Married to the man of my dreams. To be a mommy, not just to one baby, but three. To be a stay-at-home-mom. And to live in the country with kitties and a dog…a very rambunctious dog.

I am content. Ridiculously content, all of which, I do not deserve.

“A man who is eating or lying with his wife or preparing to sleep in humility, thankfulness and temperance is, by Christian standards, in an infinitely higher state than one who is listening to Bach or reading Plato in a state of pride.”
C.S. Lewis-